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    موضوعات البحث الشائعة

    • أجنحة
    • الإخبارية
    Woman cooking using Almighty Services Plus product

    Saving trees and improving health with green charcoal

    إزالة الغابات والمخاطر الصحية الناشئة عن إنتاج الفحم من الأخشاب
    قوالب فحم مصنوعة من المخلفات العضوية
    • التنمية المجتمعية
    • بنين
    • بنين
    • Bags of charcoal produced by Almighty Services Plus
      About the company

      The massive use of wood charcoal and firewood by Beninese households causes deforestation and many respiratory diseases. Moreover, the low electrification rate in the country is a barrier to development. From 2017, Almighty Services Plus started production of the green charcoal ‘’GANKAN’’, from agricultural residues. In 2019, they plan to start production of clean cookstoves and launch a reforestation campaign. These products are cleaner, safer, and cheaper, while looking similar to the products people are used to.